Free at Last?

News organizations and the Los Angeles legal system have been atwitter the last 36 hours, as the notorious criminal Paris Hilton was freed from lockup after a few days and sentenced to home detention (wearing an ankle bracelet, no doubt tarted up by a big-name designer) due to a "medical problem." Now the judge, in high dudgeon, has ordered her to return to court to see if she should be thrown back behind bars.

This young woman, who appears to be a waste of space, actually serves a purpose, I think. She is a national cartoon. Just as we have the funny pages in a newspaper to separate the horrors of real life with a simple gag, Paris Hilton and the melodrama surrounding her provides frivolous relief.

Of course there is a lot of outrage over Hilton being released early, but that shouldn't be a surprise. Justice in this country has never been equal--it depends on how much money you have to spend on representation. Certainly a non-famous person would never be able to get out of jail for being "psychologically bummed" or for some mysterious rash (isn't that what prison infirmaries are for?)

As a side note, Ms. Hilton's greatest talent, aside from getting herself in headlines, is evident in the DVD called "One Night in Paris." I will admit I succumbed to curiosity and purchased it. Most of it is deadly boring. There's amateur porn, and then there's bad amateur porn, which this is. But there is one scene that is on my frequent playlist. Paris shows all the world that she has a gifted oral technique, top-notch if you ask me. As talents go, I'd rank that one pretty high.


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