Viva Las Vegas!

Tomorrow I'm winging to Sin City, leaving behind dreary weather with temperatures eking into the 50s to sun-splashed, ninety-degree heat. The excuse is to attend Viva Las Vegas, a rockabilly convention. Now, I'm fairly indifferent on rockabilly music (although if there are some surf acts there I will be much more attentive) but I an enamored of the trappings of the genre, particularly the clothing, so I may drop some cash on some vintage bowling or Hawaiian shirts.

This is my second trip to Vegas. The first one was five years ago and I did much of the tourist stuff, but this time I will probably be more content to relax poolside. The only place I didn't go last time that I want to this time is the Double Down Saloon ("The Happiest Place on Earth").

In some ways, I shouldn't be interested in Las Vegas, because as a traveler I'm much more interested in authenticity, and Vegas is about an unauthentic a place as you can get. But there is some authentic places, like the Double Down, so it becomes a rich experience when I can find them.

I will report back when I return (unless my hotel has a business center, which would enable me to get online) and hopefully I will have some good stories to share.


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