The Sore Loser
I've never been much of a Joe Lieberman fan. When he first ran for the Senate in 1988, he was taking on a Republican, Lowell Weicker, who was more liberal than he is. This earned him the support of conservative icon William F. Buckley. His tenure in the Senate seemed to be as the Democratic party's number one scold. He seemed to be the Democrat most hard on Bill Clinton's White House blowjob, and he was constantly gabbing about television sex and violence.
When Al Gore selected him to run as a vice-presidential candidate, I was still not impressed. I learned to live with it, but would have liked to see the other Connecticut senator, Chris Dodd, chosen instead. Then we might not have seen the sorry spectacle of Lieberman's 2004 presidential campaign, which introduced the term "Joe-mentum" into the lexicon.
Also, he sounds a lot like Marvin the Martian, nemesis of Bugs Bunny.
Now he's bugging me again. On Tuesday Lieberman lost the Democratic primary to Ned Lamont, largely because of Lieberman's support for the war policy of President Bush. And I say good riddance. But wait! Lieberman, fueled I think by petulance more than anything else, will run as an independent. He may have a shot at winning. If he keeps some Democratic votes (he will certainly lose a lot who will stick with the party line) and gets Republican votes (the Republican candidate seems to be a non-entity) he could pull it out. I hope not.
Anyway, we're full swing into the electoral season now, and it should be fun, particularly if signs continue to swing toward the left.
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