Morning in America

The forecast this morning in America is sunny, with a few clouds. Or, as George Bush might put it, it's a partial victory for the terrorists. He had said that if the voters gave legistlative control to the Democrats, it would be a victory for the terrorists. This morning, half of that is accomplished, and the other half is in limbo.

What we do know is that the Democrats come January will have control of the House, picking up many formerly Republican seats throughout the Northeast and Rust Belt. Nancy Pelosi is in line to becone the first women Speaker of the House in U.S. history, and thus will become the highest female ever in line for the U.S. presidency. She's no namby-pamby feel-good liberal, this woman takes no prisoners, and is likely to get a lot of things done.

In the Senate, it's a dead-heat right now, 49-49. Two races are too close to call: Montana and Virginia. Because the Vice-President, Dick Cheney, casts the tie-breaking vote, the Dems need to win both of these to gain control of the Senate. Both of them may have recounts, so this may be up in the air until Christmas.

A few things that make my step a little lighter this morning: Rick Santorum, the Senator from Pennsylvania who once equated homosexuality with bestiality, will now be looking for another job, as he lost quite badly to Democrat Robert Casey, and in my own home state, Tom Kean, Jr. found out you need more than just your father's name to get elected. Also, in the five states where Michael J. Fox made campaign ads, the candidate he pitched for has one four of them, the fifth being Virginia, which is undecided.


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