Lost Season Finale

Some questions, comments:

Who's alive/coming back? Locke and Eko are unaccounted for. Michael and Walt have set out for parts unknown. Whether we see Michael and Walt again is interesting. Since Walt is a child, the actor's growth is a problem for producers, as the time elapsed on the show is far less than real life. Also, if Michael were to have to return to the island, the castaways wouldn't accept it, given that he killed two of their members (Hurley will certainly tell everyone this when he returns to camp).

Who are the "Others?" They are using Dharma initiative hatches, but they clearly weren't involved with the Swan, as Inman and Desmond referred to them as "hostiles." Who they are and what they are up to is now the biggest question of the show (last year it was "what is in the hatch?")

Some historical and literary allusions: Locke and Hume (Desmond's last name) are both the names of European philosophers. I don't know enough about philosophy to know whether this is meaningful or just a conceit. I also haven't read Our Mutual Friend, but I did read Turn of the Screw in college. It's a ghost story, as I recall. Desmond's old girlfriend, who seems to have been funding a project to find him, is named Penelope, who in The Odyssey was the wife of Odysseus, who waited patiently for him to return. How would she know to have men look for electromagnetic anomalies? This scene was also the first non-flashback scene referring to the world outside the island, which suggests that they are still on Earth (not purgatory, or in a dream) and that life on Earth has proceeded normally since the crash.

Libby is now connected by coincidence to two on the island: Desmond and Hurley. Since she's now dead, will we ever get a flashback that explains how she ended up in the booby-hatch with Hurley, or how she ended up in Australia?

Where is Rousseau? I think it's clear that the young woman of the Others called Alex is her daughter.

Will Charlie get some Claire-lovin'?


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I heard a good theory today...that the Others were connected with the Dharma project, found out that a good portion of it was a meaningless experiment (the log books sent in a tube to nowhere is a good example), and rebelled against it. Desmond calls them Hostiles because Inman did; he didn't know much more than the folks on the plane. So this brings up a possibility: that there are Others, there are Dharma leftovers, and there are the plane survivors...three groups of people, not two, on the island.

    The odd electomagnetic properties of the island explain why all different forms of transportation end up there: a balloon, two boats, a small plane, and the airliner. Their navigation systems were probably screwed up.

    I think Pen's father is somehow involved in the Dharma Initiative. He may even have manipulated the situation to leave Desmond on the island, since it wouldn't be too hard to screw up desmond's navigation system to put him near the island...don't know about the storm, but whatever. What better way to get rid of your daughter's suitor?

    It seems like Libby might have gone crazy because she lost her husband and then his boat was lost along with a perfectly nice man she met in the Airport. Or maybe she was set up to give him the boat. You never know. Maybe she was forced to do things like Michael did in order to get something she loved back.

    If Henry knew where to get rescued, why are they all still there? Why is it so important that the guy keep his beard on? Will someone else on the island recognize him? I think Michael and Walt will be back.

  2. I don't think the Others/Hostiles want to be rescued, they are doing some kind of work there. Can't say about the beard. I think your co-worker's theory makes sense. I think Widmore, Penelope's father, is majorly involved, and will have a major imprint next season.


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