Gay Marriage

I am not gay, although sometimes I wish I was, because it seems that gay men have a lot more sex than I do. Come to think of it, I think a typical priest has more sex than I do, but let that bide.

That being said, I can not understand the objections to gay marriage. Okay, I can understand them if you're a bible-thumping, intolerant yahoo. But reasonable people should have no problem with this, especially in a country that is supposed to be free.

We are talking about marriage as a legal institution. No one is suggesting that Saint Patrick's cathedral has to conduct gay marriages. Churches have the right to sanction the marriages they want to. But as a legal issue, two consenting adults, no matter what gender, should have to right to form legal partnerships that are legally equivalent to heterosexual marriage.

I can not fathom the argument that this will lead to some sort of breakdown of society. Wouldn't conservatives prefer monogamous homosexual relationships, rather than the stereotypical gay orgies that are going now, which are completely legal? What is so sacred about marriage anyway, in a country that has a fifty-percent divorce rate?

The American Taliban has got to be stopped in their ever insidious encroachment upon human rights in this country. The head mullah, of course, is George W. Bush, who dares to come out for an amendment to the Constitution at the same time that the 25th anniversary of the discovery of AIDS is occurring. The Constitution is what is sacred in this nation, and should not be sullied by such an amendment that restricts rights, rather than expands them.


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