An Inconvenient Truth

I saw An Inconvenient Truth over the weekend. My feelings about Al Gore have been stated before on this blog: They have only been reinforced by seeing the film.

Now, An Inconvenient Truth is not a razzle-dazzle summer blockbuster. It is not even Fahrenheit 9/11. This is, basically, a filmed lecture. But if this film doesn't have cinematic pyrotechnics, it more than makes up for it in communicating information. Unless you're a fire-breathing neo-con who is determined to be against anything a Democrat could be for, you will walk out of the movie concerned about the shape of things here on this blue marble we reside on.

Gore makes it clear that in the scientific community, there is no debate that this is a crisis. But scanning the magazine racks tells us that the conservative press disagrees. But I have a question for them: which of the solutions that Gore suggests are you against? Recycling? Planting trees? Hybrid cars? Alternative energy sources? Oops--that may be the one. I imagine fat cats at Exxon Mobil aren't exactly thrilled about a nation that may soon become determined to lessen reliance on fossil fuels and demand ethynol fuel or other alternatives. Here's hoping this happens, and big oil spends some of its record profits on developing just such alternatives.


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